
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Clearing out my desktop, I found a short poem and remembered I haven't been posting here enough.
Translations from Polish:
o boże boli= oh god it hurts
kwiatuszki= flowers in a sweet way, something like "little flowers"
tuśki= the way I'd say kwiatuszki when I was small :P

There are also references to a Polish poem about the soldiers of Westerplatte, and though the translation is really bad, at least you'll understand this poem better.

Oh god explaining is as long as the poem itself. Anyway, here it is:

born out of o boże boli and sunlight whipping up the air.
born here and not there.
behind the walls they sing the song of the soldiers
of westerplatte.
but it is not summer, and there are no flowers;
only the memory of how I'd say kwiatuszki, tuśki, and throw them
above my head,
giving birth to a completely new gesture.
but sometimes I doubt there was any birth, ever.
soil is eternal, ever-present, bitter and smiling.

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