
Sunday, April 1, 2012

The snow says hi.


It's an April evening (yesss, I can say that starting from today), already after dark, and it's been snowing on and off all day. It's only been a few hours since I remembered NaPoWriMo has begun, although I was under the impression I couldn't wait to do it before I forgot it existed. That's me. Stressed today, will probably forget tomorrow. I did NaNoWriMo. It was different, though. It's easier, at least to me, to get started with prose, reach some wordcount and feel pleased with yourself; poetry doesn't like time. They feel like enemies. You have a day for a poem, that's it, thirty times. <-Is that hell? Then again, it's something like 24/26/28 times (I'm forgetful, but I think it's 26) you have to do something before it becomes a routine, so if I last long enough, I might end up outrageously prolific. Or so I hope.

Writing a 'poem' is easy. Why, I can always sit down, write a few lines, press enter, word vomit. What I'd like to achieve throughout this month is maybe not poems I'm proud of, but pieces I'm not ashamed of; pieces which I can bear to post here, press the "publish" button, have it done with. This is much harder to do.

This blog I'll use to record my napoings, but also/maybe/hopefully continue. If I see some inspiring pictures, read some inspiring poems, feel I have a message to deliver to the universe of the web, I'll come here and let the words jump up to you, even if you have no idea who I am; I hope my poetry will speak for itself. I know it can, if I try hard enough.

Now I'm going to run myself a bath, drown in essential oils (clary sage is glorious, try it) and burning water until my ears start ringing and I nearly pass out. I think it's the most inspiring thing I can do at the moment. And chocolate. Never forget your sense of taste, reader.

With lots of love and spring and snow,


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